Transformers Masterpiece MP-27 Ironhide

Transformers Masterpiece MP-27 Ironhide

I have been waiting this for long time and I always believe someone will bring the best masterpiece Ironhide oneday, and the great news is "Yes they did again!"

Here is some of the image and details that I collect from internet hope you guys like it!

MP-27 Ironhide 14

Wonderfest 2015 - Takara Tomy Transformers Masterpiece MP-27 Ironhide

The Transformers Panel just took place at the 2015 Tokyo Toy show and while there is a bit of info to digest, we will start by giving you these images of the Masterpiece Ironhide unveiling.

This figure was rumoured as MP 27 at the very beginning of the year along with Tracks and it is fun to see this rumour realized. The pictures show that Takara is basing themselves on the G1 toy as well as the G1 animation model since part of the van still converts into a battle station.

Luckily, they did give him a head this time, and a nice one at that. Unite Warriors Devastator was also present right alongside this reveal and we hope to be sharing pictures of this with you soon. These pictures were found on Daim Choc's facebook page.


Image by:
くろさび ‏@chromless Jul 26

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