KO figures selling in TESCO store!
Wow!! Surprising to see transformers KO figures selling in TESCO (Cheras), you now can get it only Rm49.90!!let's check it out!!By the way, what the hell its L•R King Kong means?! LOL!!!Selling price RM49.90Brand: L•R KING KONGReview (in box)Packaging:   Materials quality:    Sculpture detail:   Articulation:    Painted job:   TRANSMUTES? Its that means anything …
3rd Party Over Size Evasion Optimus Prime
Transformers 4 Age of Extinction 3rd Party Over Size Evasion Optimus Prime by WEI JIANG (China)By chance saw this exciting toys new while browsing the internet! It looks like gonna launch soon, can't wait!! Here is what I found and hope you guys like it!Detail: 模型高度:29CM 模型材质:塑料+合金(集中在车头部分) 模型定价:未知 模型头雕:嘴版、口罩版 模型涂装:经典红蓝、战损(暗黑有可能) …
Die-cast Evasion Optimus Prime (KO)
Deformation Transformers 4 - Age of Extinction Die-cast Optimus PrimeThe source:DIECAST AOE Optimus Prime (KO Deformation Transformers)KuBianBio Die-cast Optimus Prime Transformers 4 Age of Extinction - (evasion optimus prime looked alike)   Deformation Transformers AOE Diecast Optimus Prime reviewThe source: http://www.ebay.com.my/itm/AOE-Optimus-Prime-with-DIECAST-Part-Deformation-Transformers-IN-STOCK-/131547709276?